We have been chosen, unique among the dozen of thousands of Yunnan tea producers, to be shot a documentary on the way we grow and make tea in our mountain forest, preserving the original ecosystem and constantly trying to pursue the excellence of this fabulous terroir.
At the end of the harvest season we have been followed for several days by a professional troupe, literally day and nights, up and down the mountain, shooting any tiny thing we did. They took a long time to talk with us, it has been like a long interview that has soon become a stream of consciousness that touched our personal stories since childhood, our passion for taste and experiences, and of course our big choice of changing all our savings, including a house (the only one we have ever owned!) in the purchase of our land.
We had time to talk about our worries and about our hopes, the difficulties we have been through, how did we overcome them and how they changed us.
The most beautiful part of it has been the relationship that was created between the production team and us, their genuine interest in our work and their willing to come to visit our land year by year, to see how it goes, how our trees grow season by season, and how we shape our future.
It has been a great pleasure to share our life, and a priceless opportunity to read ourselves in someone else’s eyes
Here are few screenshots from the producer’s room in Kunming, mixed with some Lorenzo’s backstage photos.
The final version will be on air in the next few months!