Chinese tea terroir and culture
Daye // Big-leaf
An in-depth learning journey into Chinese tea
next edition
Europe, Asia and Oceania time-zone
Currently on going;
after this date you can still join the course by watching the recording of the previous classes.
Next session: Summer 2025
Americas, Asia and Oceania time zone:
We are currently collecting participants for a Summer 2025 session: write us to reserve your seat.
The Daye course is the second part of our journey on Chinese tea, and requires a succesful attedance to the Xiaoye - Small Leaf course.
With the Xiaoye course we learn how to dive into Chinese tea terroir and to culturally translate its complexity; with the Daye we focus on the most technical aspects around our beloved tea leaves, going in-depth on professional tasting, Chinese evaluating jargon, domestic (Chinese) and international markets, supply chain.
We learn how a Chinese tea-professional researches, samples and evaluates a tea-leaf before purchasing it; what is the standard in terms of appearance, fragrance, taste, of each category of tea, and also what are their most common flaws and what caused them.
In this course the most important terms and categories are given in Chinese language, following the teaching of Xiaoye course.
The goal of this course is to learn how to independently sample, evaluate and purchase a tea for your business, understanding its value and potential.
At the end of the course, after a successful passing of the final exam, there is the optional possibility to obtain the official certification as Tea Professional recognised by the Chinese government.
Educational program
Classes are held online through Zoom, and all the teas shipped to your home, wherever you are. Shipping fees are included for all students in Europe and United States. For other countries, additional shipping fees may be applied.
We will use audio / video and a live chat, to sum up the keywords of each lesson and your questions during the course, and we will share a presentation with words and photos with your private screens. Beside Vivian, the teacher, we always have at least one assistant online to write the key-points in the chat, collect your homework, and to answer your questions.
After each class we share our presentations for self study, the chat log, and some audio files to help you to review the most important words and their pronunciation. During the week we are always available to support you through your individual study both on teas and language.
Next edition
Summer 2025
For further information book a video-call with Vivian, or write us an email.
*we are glad to support the future of our industry offering special rates to business owners and young students.
Open to all our alumni
Live community
Everyone who has taken our Xiaoye or Daye course has access to our international community of students, a live forum and chat where you can find new content, knowledge and organize your own virtual or offline tea tasting.
It is a way to keep yourself up to date with the evolution of the tea industry and find a group of passionate people for your brewing sessions, wherever you go in the world.
After ten years since the beginning of our journey, first as tea travelers and then as producers, we want to offer a solid structure to our words, and pave the path for all tea enthusiasts. We designed an educational program to enrich the knowledge and awareness on tea and to train future tea professionals, with the purpose to form skilled, conscious and critical tea drinkers, ready to keep improving and take an active part in the growing global industry of fine tea.
The Teacher
Vivian Zhang is a tea master who graduated at the highest level from the Chinese Tea Academy, after attending courses in Beijing and completing her specialization in Kunming. In 2014 she became a tea producer after founding her company, Eastern Leaves, on mount Nannuo in Yunnan. Over the years, she has added the various degrees of the official training on tea - from the ceremony to the cultivation - to her liberal education in Ancient Chinese Literature. In 2016 she graduated with a Master degree in Food and Beverage Management, at Bocconi University in Milan. Together with Eastern Leaves, she divides her life between the mountains in Yunnan and her international travels, where she shares her experiences and the tea leaves she brings from her native land.
Upon passing the exam at the end of the Daye-Big Leaf level, a unique certificate in "Chinese Tea Taster and Connoisseur", issued by Eastern Leaves following our experience with the All China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives, Kunming headquarters. Students in possession of said certificate are able to judge and accurately describe teas with respect to their own terroir, to brew tea as a professional, to trace the production techniques, and finally to understand and actively participate to market quotations.
Further information