On the heights of our ancient trees.
On the heights of our ancient trees rain is falling, right now. The wet season follows months of dryness, during which the tea trees grows very slowly, retaining the maximum amount of minerals and nutrients possible. We picked up the dry-season buds to make the Spring Tea, the most precious product of the Yunnan mountains, and we now leave the forest to rest and to flourish again under the passing clouds, by far among the richest in colors on Earth.
Nature is thriving.
Nature is thriving and the trees are flourishing again; the buds grow fast, new leaves are born on the old branches. We can see it day by day, how quickly the rainforest takes back its place. We do not touch the tea trees now, we let them take new shapes in their under-forest, and to store nourishments from the soil and the falling rain, waiting for a new dry season.