Forest - Chinese incense - Eastern Leaves
Forest - Chinese incense - Eastern Leaves
Forest - Chinese incense - Eastern Leaves
Forest - Chinese incense - Eastern Leaves
Forest - Chinese incense - Eastern Leaves
Forest - Chinese incense - Eastern Leaves

Forest 森林 - Incenso cinese naturale

€ 12.80 EUR Sconto risparmia
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Discover the ancient art of fragrance

Into the World of Incense

Thanks to Vivian Zhang's expertise and her in-depth exploration of Chinese culture, we have embarked on a journey into the ancient art of incense-making. Rooted in age-old wisdom, our incense products are thoughtfully crafted using only pure, natural ingredients, some of which are also valued for their beneficial properties. Each incense reflects centuries of tradition, and refinement.

EXPLORE THE collection


At the heart of our incense collection are pure, natural ingredients. Among them, agarwood stands out as a true treasure. Known as the "Wood of the Gods", agarwood is a rare and precious resin that develops over decades, offering a rich, grounding fragrance. lts deep, woody scent has been cherished in Chinese culture for centuries, symbolising resilience, and spiritual transformation.
Combined with other herbs, flower and fruits, our incense brings the essence of nature into your space.

experience the fragrance

To provide the most accurate descriptions of our incense fragrances and allow you to fuly immerse in the experience, we utilized electricincense burners during the development process. This has ensured a consistent release of the incense aroma, enabling us to capture the true essence of each ingredient.

Its important to note that scent perception varies from person to person, influenced by sensitivity, environment, and personal memories. We invite you to explore our incense line and discover the unique emotions and sensations it evokes for you.

a few simple tips

Start your journey with fragrance like you would start a new chapter, slowly and with intention. Allow the scents to awaken your senses and enhance your space.

Craft your atmosphere: light the stick for a classic incense experience or go smokeless with an electric burner. However you choose, it’s all about you!

Handle with care, keep away from flammable objects, and be mindful if you have allergies or respiratory sensitivities.

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