Pu'er shengpu Chinese tea pressed cake brick vintage and aged, 2012 spring harvest, tea forest, from Nannuo in Yunnan
Leaves detail of Pu'er shengpu Chinese tea pressed cake brick vintage and aged, 2012 spring harvest, from Nannuo in Yunnan
Liquor brew of Pu'er shengpu Chinese tea pressed cake brick vintage and aged, 2012 spring harvest, from Nannuo in Yunnan
Bamboo tong of Pu'er shengpu Chinese tea pressed cake brick vintage and aged, 2012 spring harvest, from Nannuo in Yunnan
Pu'er shengpu Chinese tea pressed cake brick vintage and aged, 2012 spring harvest, tea forest, from Nannuo in Yunnan
Leaves detail of Pu'er shengpu Chinese tea pressed cake brick vintage and aged, 2012 spring harvest, from Nannuo in Yunnan
Liquor brew of Pu'er shengpu Chinese tea pressed cake brick vintage and aged, 2012 spring harvest, from Nannuo in Yunnan
Bamboo tong of Pu'er shengpu Chinese tea pressed cake brick vintage and aged, 2012 spring harvest, from Nannuo in Yunnan

2012 Pu'er Sheng Pu di Foresta, 200 gr. Pressato a pietra

€ 94.00 EUR Sconto risparmia
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Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews

Hooked me from the first sip. Which doesn't happen often :P Still powerful liquor, but with mellow edges and no astringency. Could be easily my daily drinker!

Dear Krzysztof, thanks for your kind review! We appreciate very much your words: this tea seems like an old friend of yours, and we are so happy to read about it-


The dynamics of the ageing of loose leaves sheng pu’er and pressed cakes are complex and highly debated to yield somewhat complementary results. You can clearly feel the two souls that make up these 2012 cakes. On one side, the buttery, peachy and fragrant mellowness of the loose leaves ageing until 2019, that in my opinion has sped up the maturation a bit. On the other, the onset of development of a richer mouthfeel and of a palette of undergrowth tones that speaks of its potential for evolution in the current pressed state. It is a good and interesting compromise. Albeit still very young, this cake shows great promise.

Andrea Rotelli

I’ve loved every single infusion of this Sheng Pu’Er. It smells like a forest after the rain, it has the taste of walnuts and earth, with a hint of ripe tropical fruits.

Michela Vettoretti

2012 Pu'er Sheng Pu - Nannuo Mountain, 200 gr. Stone-pressed Cake