Dai minority cup handcrafted in Yunnan, China- handmade glaze with local and natural clay, grey and blue, 50ml
Dai minority cup handcrafted in Yunnan, China- handmade glaze with local and natural clay, grey and blue, 50ml
Dai minority cup handcrafted in Yunnan, China- handmade glaze with local and natural clay, grey and blue, 50ml
Dai minority cup handcrafted in Yunnan, China- handmade glaze with local and natural clay, grey and blue, 50ml

Cielo e Terra - Tazza Dai da 50 ml

€ 17.00 EUR Sconto risparmia
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Dai-minority traditional teaware

L'artigianato di Zhang Laoshi 张老师

Il laboratorio di Zhang Laoshi è una vera istituzione a Jinghong, Xishuangbanna; è un ampio cortile con più edifici tradizionali Dai, che ospita abbastanza spazio per il suo lavoro, per i suoi forni - inclusa una fornace a schiena di drago -, un laboratorio per i suoi amati studenti e, naturalmente, uno spazio in cui sviluppa nuove idee, dove nessun altro è ammesso.
C'è anche un piccolo museo che raccoglie i pezzi che ha ereditato dalla sua famiglia da cinque generazioni di maestri ceramisti Dai a Banna.
Mentre Qiu Laoshi è l'innovatore della tradizione Dai, la signora Zhang è la custode della tradizione e del design originale, perfezionati dai suoi studi contemporanei e da una vita di pratica.

Le terre che usa provengono dall'area locale di Xishuangbanna, tra le foreste di Mengsong, Laobanzhang e Yiwu. Ciascuna delle sue creazioni è un'espressione delicata e sincera del paesaggio dello Yunnan che la circonda, e tutti i pezzi portano la sua firma unica.

Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
Absolute Art

Super pleased with this purchase, so much that I've made my own small Dai collection of cups alongside "Sandstorm" and "Waterfall"! Their consistency, their lightness and their preciousness make every of my small tea breaks an aesthetic experience that I've missed so much lately!
Please, give all my highest thanks to the Ceramist Master Zhang Laoshi, her teacups are a joy for the soul, and I cannot wait to see more of her craft in the future for your Shop.

Dear Sara, thank you for your kind and warm-hearted review! We like Zhang's work and personality, and the way she continuously renew herself.
We have to go visit her shortly, and surely we will bring your words! Thanks a lot.

Great cup for puerh

I love the feel and look of this cup so much. It reminds of Yin and Yang, heaven and earth. We find humanity in the tea we pour into it. Connecting us back to source and harmony. Constantly moving. It's smooth feel allows the tea to nourish our essence as we drink from it.

Dear Beto, thank you so much for your poetic and passionate review: we love the work of this artist, so connected with her land, culture, and technique: she was born into it, and she brought it in her own present time. We will forward her your words.

Earthly feeling

Gorgeous colors, a delicate yet solid cup with an earthly feeling. Perfect for my Pu'er tea.

Dear Cecilia, thanks for your review: we will forward your words to the artist, she deserves it! We often visit her, and we periodically release new series of her work, that keeps changing together with her artistic research.

Nichole Tandy
Perfect Gongfu cups

These are beautiful and perfect for my Gongfu tea moments!

Lovely Cup

Really nice cup. Beautiful and the right amount of tea.

Dear Kathrin, thank you very much for your review, we are happy to know it suits your needs both in terms of capacity, and above all as a beautiful handcraft.